La Gomera
4.8 (83%)
757 votes
La Gomera

Writer: paz interminable
Resume: Soy muy vago. prefiero buscar un tuit que opine lo que pienso que tener que escribir uno.
Corneliu Porumboiu
duration: 97min

director: Corneliu Porumboiu
country: France, Sweden
Release Date: 2019
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La gomera images. La gomera facts. The sea goes all the way around the island 😃. La gomera escuintla guatemala. La gomera film. La gomera flag. «Gomera» redirige aquí. Para el arma casera, véase Tirachinas. La Gomera De izquierda a derecha y de arriba a abajo: El Cedro, Fortaleza de Chipude, Las Rosas, Mirador Valle Gran Rey, Costa de Hermigua desde Agulo, Roque de Agando, Torre del Conde, Chorros de Epina. Ubicación geográfica Archipiélago Islas Canarias Océano Atlántico Coordenadas 28°06′00″N 17°08′00″O / 28. 1, -17. 133333333333 Ubicación administrativa País España Región Canarias Provincia Santa Cruz de Tenerife Gobierno Cabildo de La Gomera Datos geográficos Superficie 369, 76 [ 1] km² Punto más alto 1. 487 m ( Alto de Garajonay) Demografía Capital San Sebastián de La Gomera Población 21. 503 habitantes (2019) [ 2] Densidad 62, 41 hab. /km² Gentilicio gomero, -a Otros datos Bandera Presidente del Cabildo Casimiro Curbelo ( ASG) Símbolos naturales Columba junoniae (paloma rabiche) [ 3] Persea indica (viñátigo) [ 3] Santo patrón San Sebastián y Virgen de Guadalupe [ 4] Fiesta insular Lunes siguiente al primer sábado de octubre (festividad de la Virgen de Guadalupe) [ 5] Mapa de localización [ editar datos en Wikidata] Mapa topográfico de La Gomera. La Gomera es una de las ocho islas principales de las islas Canarias ( España), y la tercera más pequeña si incluímos a La Graciosa (la cual es considerada una isla menor). La Gomera está situada en el océano Atlántico, en la parte occidental del archipiélago. Pertenece a la provincia de Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Su capital es San Sebastián de La Gomera, donde se ubica la sede del Cabildo Insular. La isla es desde el año 2012 Reserva de la Biosfera. [ 6] En el centro de la isla se encuentra el Parque Nacional de Garajonay, declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1986 por la Unesco. Por su parte el Silbo gomero ( lenguaje silbado heredado de los aborígenes gomeros), también es Patrimonio de la Humanidad desde 2009. La Gomera tiene una población de 21. 503 habitantes (2019) [ 2] por lo que es la sexta isla de Canarias en cuanto a población. También ocupa el sexto lugar en extensión con una superficie de 369, 76 km². Toponimia Hay muchas teorías sobre la procedencia del nombre "Gomera". Algunas de estas teorías no tienen ningún rigor ni fundamento, como la que dice que su nombre proviene de Gomer, nieto de Noé. [ 7] La teoría más avalada es que el nombre Gomera está relacionado con las tribus bereberes (hoy arabizadas) de Gomara en la región de Xauen en el norte de Marruecos (en castellano tenemos Peñón de Vélez de La Gomera y otros). Estas tribus son agrícolas y desconocen la navegación igual que los oriundos de la isla canaria del mismo nombre, con lo cual se piensa que pudieron ser llevados en su día por algún pueblo de navegantes. El nombre de Gomera aparece por primera vez en el libro "El conocimiento de los Reinos del Mundo" (circa 1350) obra atribuida a un fraile aragonés que se cree castellanizó los topónimos que utilizaban los cartógrafos mallorquines en la designación de las islas. El primer mapa en el que aparece la isla y su topónimo es el Atlas de Cresques de 1375. [ 7] En Mallorca, el castillo del Temple fue levantado sobre un jardín musulmán de nombre Almunia Gumera, y con los años recibió el nombre de Fortaleza Gomera y quedaba en el límite Noreste del call judío de forma que la muralla de la Fortaleza Gomera era el límite del call; en ese límite Abraham Cresques, coautor del Atlas mencionado con anterioridad, tenía su vivienda. El Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera fue conquistado por Castilla para sus dominios en 1508. Los aborígenes de la isla se referían a ella precisamente como Ghomara, nombre que ha sido traducido como "notable" o "jefe". [ 8] Los romanos conocían la isla como Iunonia o Junonia según se desprende de la obra Naturalis Historia de Plinio el Viejo. [ 9] Descripción La Gomera tiene una superficie de 369, 76 km². Su punto más alto es el pico Garajonay, con 1. 487 m de altitud, que pertenece al Parque Nacional de Garajonay. La isla tiene unos 12 millones de años de antigüedad. También es conocida como la isla colombina, porque fue lugar de avituallamiento de Cristóbal Colón antes de partir al Nuevo Mundo en 1492. La población de derecho de la isla es de 21. 503 habitantes (2019). [ 2] En los años 50 del pasado siglo llegó a tener alrededor de unos 30. 000 habitantes. Naturaleza La Gomera cuenta con el Parque Nacional de Garajonay, constituido en 1981 y posteriormente nombrado por la Unesco como Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Este alberga una joya natural propia del periodo terciario: el bosque de laurisilva. Dicha formación vegetal subtropical está formada por una gran variedad de árboles que conservan su follaje durante todo el año gracias a la alta humedad y a las suaves temperaturas. Este bosque, considerado una reliquia viviente, cubrió la cuenca del mediterráneo durante el terciario, y desapareció casi en su totalidad con las sucesivas glaciaciones. En Garajonay se pueden encontrar fayas, brezos, laureles, helechos, etc... que presentan endemismos típicos del desarrollo en un entorno aislado y benigno. La zona se ve afectada por los vientos alísios, generando el llamado mar de nubes, por lo que la condensación del vapor de agua en las hojas de los árboles ( lluvia horizontal) eleva de manera considerable la cantidad de agua en el terreno. El parque puede recorrerse fácilmente gracias a los numerosos senderos que lo atraviesan. Espacios naturales En total los entornos bajo protección según la Red Canaria de Espacios Naturales Protegidos son 17: Parques Nacionales Parque Nacional de Garajonay Reservas Naturales Integrales Reserva Natural Integral de Benchijigua Reservas Naturales Especiales Reserva Natural Especial de Puntallana Parques Naturales Parque Natural de Majona Parques Rurales Parque rural de Valle de Gran Rey Monumentos Naturales Monumento Natural de Los Órganos Monumento Natural de Roque Cano Monumento Natural de Roque Blanco Monumento Natural de La Fortaleza Monumento Natural del Barranco del Cabrito Monumento Natural de La Caldera Monumento Natural del Lomo del Carretón Monumento Natural de Los Roques Paisajes Protegidos Paisaje Protegido de Orone Sitios de Interés Científico Sitio de Interés Científico de Acantilados de Alajeró Sitio de Interés Científico del Charco del Conde Sitio de Interés Científico del Charco de Cieno Flora y fauna La isla cuenta con cientos de endemismos vegetales y animales, que hacen que sea rica en biodiversidad. Destaca el Lotus gomerythus, vegetal perteneciente al género Lotus del que sólo queda un ejemplar en el mundo. [ 10] Entre los endemismos animales de la isla destaca el lagarto gigante de La Gomera ( Gallotia bravoana), un reptil que está en peligro crítico según la Lista Roja de la IUCN. Se creía extinto hasta junio de 1999, cuando un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de La Laguna halló una pequeña población en los acantilados de la Mérica. El hábitat salvaje actual del lagarto se ubica en el Risco de la Mérica, en el Valle Gran Rey. En el mismo municipio se encuentra un centro de recuperación para la cría en cautividad de la especie que gestiona el cabildo insular y donde han nacido más de 300 ejemplares. Geología Los Órganos. La Gomera, al igual que el resto de las Canarias, es una isla volcánica. No obstante, los episodios volcánicos pueden considerarse cosa del pasado: las últimas erupciones se produjeron hace unos dos millones de años. La erosión del agua ha trazado numerosos barrancos, y en la costa ha delineado prominentes acantilados: ejemplo de ello es el espacio natural protegido de Los Órganos, al norte de la isla. Los Órganos constituyen una muestra de columnatas basálticas, formadas por el lento enfriamiento de lava en un antiguo cráter. Clima El clima de La Gomera no difiere en gran medida de las condiciones meteorológicas de las islas occidentales. Las zonas altas de la isla reciben más lluvias que las zonas costeras, lo mismo que ocurre en la zona norte con respecto a la zona sur. Las temperaturas se mantienen estables durante todo el año registrándose las más altas durante el verano. El fenómeno de la lluvia horizontal tiene mucha importancia en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay, donde se deposita el agua contenida en las brumas creando un tupido bosque de laurisilva Tabla climatológica de La Gomera Datos climáticos Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre Diciembre Temperatura diurna 21 22 23 24 25 27 29 28 26 Temperatura nocturna 15 16 17 18 20 19 Horas de sol al día 6 7 8 9 5 Días de lluvia/mes 4 3 2 1 0 Temperatura del agua Símbolos naturales de la isla Según una ley del Gobierno de Canarias, los símbolos naturales de La Gomera son la paloma rabiche y el viñátigo. [ 3] Paloma rabiche Viñátigo Economía La economía insular se ha basado históricamente en la agricultura. En las zonas llanas predomina el cultivo de plátanos, papaya, mango y aguacate. No obstante, la producción es pequeña, de tipo familiar, y se dedica al autoabastecimiento de la isla. En laderas de las montañas y barrancos, los cultivos se realizan en terrazas. Básicamente se plantan papas (patatas) y algunas hortalizas. La ganadería de la isla se compone de cabras, así el queso fresco y curado, realizado aún de forma artesanal, es otro de los productos típicos gastronómicos de la isla. En los últimos años, el desarrollo económico se ha orientado hacia el turismo, especialmente en el rural. El senderismo, excursionismo, pesca y ciclismo de montaña, son los deportes más practicados por el turismo en la isla. Pese a que la isla carece de grandes centros turísticos, desde el Cabildo se han llevado a cabo una serie de programas para restaurar casas antiguas y convertirlas en pequeños hoteles rurales. Los núcleos turísticos emergentes son Valle Gran Rey, Playa Santiago y San Sebastián de la Gomera. Gracias a su imagen como isla "virgen" del turismo de masas y con una naturaleza y paisajes exuberantes. Transportes En 1999 se inauguró el Aeropuerto de La Gomera, cerca de la localidad de Playa Santiago, municipio de Alajeró. La pista de aterrizaje es demasiado pequeña por lo que no pueden operar vuelos chárter, siendo utilizado el aeropuerto sólo para conexiones insulares. La compañía Binter Canarias realiza diariamente dos vuelos desde los aeropuertos de Tenerife Norte y Gran Canaria. Generalmente se accede a La Gomera a través del barco. Dos compañías realizan conexiones regulares desde la isla al Puerto de Los Cristianos en el sur de Tenerife. Fred. Olsen Express realiza una travesía de unos 45 minutos de duración, desde San Sebastián de la Gomera. Por su parte, Naviera Armas ha actualizado su flota y opera con un barco de reciente construcción, el Volcán de Taburiente, que tarda unos 50 minutos en hacer el trayecto entre el puerto de Los Cristianos y el de San Sebastián. Fred. Olsen Express. Además, existe conexión directa con la isla de La Palma. La red de carreteras de la isla conecta todas las poblaciones de la isla. Existe un servicio regular de guaguas que conecta San Sebastián de la Gomera, con todas las poblaciones. Sin embargo, la frecuencia es escasa y es difícil moverse de una localidad a otra utilizando este medio de transporte, porque el punto más lejano de un municipio a otro es de 90 minutos. Hasta hace 2 años había transporte marítimo interno pero con la retirada de las subvenciones por parte de las distintas instituciones ya no existe este medio, y por lo tanto el coche particular o de alquiler es el más utilizado. A partir de 2017, el servicio marítimo interno ha sido restablecido por Fred Olsen Express con su buque Benchi Express, mientras que a partir de 2018 Naviera Armas iniciaría la ruta San Sebastian de la Gomera - Valle Gran Rey con varios buques, todos alquilados, excepto uno de ellos, que es en propiedad. Municipios La isla está dividida en 6 municipios: Municipios de la Gomera: 1. San Sebastián; 2. Hermigua; 3. Agulo; 4. Vallehermoso; 5. Valle Gran Rey; 6. Alajeró Historia Los primeros pobladores Réplica de Tagoror aborigen en la cima del Alto del Garajonay, con el Teide al fondo. La isla estaba poblada por los gomeros o gomeritas, indígenas de la isla. De ellos se conservan varias tradiciones, pero la más famosa es el lenguaje de los silbos (o silbo gomero), una forma de comunicación para superar las limitaciones de la accidentada orografía. Otras tradiciones vigentes de los aborígenes son la extracción de la savia de la palmera canaria ( Phoenix canariensis) para producir la Miel de Palma, el Salto del Pastor y el Gofio. Al comenzar la conquista, la isla se encontraba dividida en 4 cantones: Mulagua, Hipalan, Orone y Agana, identificándose estos territorios con los grandes valles de Hermigua, San Sebastián, Valle Gran Rey y Vallehermoso, respectivamente. La Conquista y el Señorío de La Gomera Se dice que La Gomera nunca fue conquistada y que a lo largo de los años cuando los nuevos pobladores europeos fueron estableciéndose en la isla, los aborígenes reconocieron su autoridad. Los gomeros fueron un pueblo "inconformista" y "rebelde" que se levantaba cada vez que se cometía una tropelía o una injusticia hacia su pueblo. Esta isla al igual que El Hierro, Lanzarote y Fuerteventura estaban bajo un señorío, que duró hasta principios del siglo XIX, a diferencia del realengo en el que estaban las islas de La Palma, Tenerife y Gran Canaria. El señorío de la Gomera está relacionado con la familia Peraza y se caracterizó por su crueldad y por su tiranía. Hernán Peraza "el Viejo" se establece en La Gomera. Debido a la muerte de su hijo Guillén Peraza en una incursión en La Palma, le sucede Diego de Herrera, marido de Inés Peraza. Y a su muerte, el señorío fue repartido entre parte de sus hijos. La Gomera y el Hierro correspondieron a Hernán Peraza "el Joven". Se inicia ahora un periodo de significativa violencia, tanto por la gran represión contra el pueblo indígena como las venganzas hacia otros conquistadores. Torre del Conde. La muerte de Juan Rejón a manos de Hernán Peraza por viejas rencillas hace que sea llamado a la Corte de los Reyes Católicos. Finalmente se salva de cualquier juicio, pero es obligado a casarse con Beatriz de Bobadilla y Ulloa. Debido a una revuelta de los gomeros, se refugian en la Torre del Conde y piden ayuda a Pedro de Vera que con gran crueldad asesina a gran número de rebeldes y se lleva para Gran Canaria a más de doscientos gomeros como esclavos. Posteriormente Hernán Peraza se enamora de Iballa, una indígena gomera, y en uno de sus encuentros amorosos es asesinado por Hupalupo, padre de Iballa, y por Hautacuperche. Después de su muerte el pueblo se levantó de nuevo en contra del señorío. Pedro de Vera acudió otra vez en ayuda de Beatriz de Bobadilla y huyeron los gomeros a las cumbres. Pedro de Vera, mediante la astucia, quiso vengarse, y publicó un bando en el que el cualquier gomero que no acudiera a las honras fúnebres de Fernán Peraza, sería acusado de cómplice y traidor, asimismo indultaría a aquellos que acudieran. Los que acudieron al funeral en la Villa serían inmediatamente hechos presos, así como también fueron apresados algunos que permanecieron en las cumbres. Se ordena la condena a muerte de todos los indígenas mayores de 15 años, si bien esta medida no se llevó a la práctica en su totalidad. No satisfecho con los asesinatos, a su llegada a Gran Canaria, ordenó ajusticiar a todos los gomeros que se encontraban en aquella isla y exportando como esclavos a gran parte de niños y mujeres, hacia la península o hacia las otras islas. Posteriormente muchos de los que fueron deportados como esclavos regresarían a la isla de La Gomera. Unos años más tarde La Gomera entra en los libros de historia como la última tierra pisada por Cristóbal Colón antes de llegar a América, en su primer viaje. El lugar donde se afirma que se alojó es ahora un museo conocido como la Casa de Colón, aunque no hay documentación que respalde esa afirmación. Historia contemporánea Debate historiográfico La mayor parte de los escasos trabajos que se han acercado al análisis de la sociedad gomera contemporánea han dejado patente, de forma directa o indirecta, el carácter capitalista de ésta y, por tanto, de su base económica. Estas interpretaciones no fueron fórmulas sui generis aplicadas al caso de La Gomera; antes, al contrario, responden a la síntesis de algunas líneas explicativas que se manejaron en los debates historiográficos de Canarias generados a partir de finales de los años setenta. La mayor parte de esas líneas o corrientes, aunque difieran en la forma concreta de desenvolvimiento del proceso socioeconómico contemporáneo canario (1800-1980), parten de una misma premisa: Canarias se transformó en una sociedad capitalista entre mediados del XIX y el primer cuarto del siglo XX, aspecto en el que tuvo un protagonismo destacado el capital extranjero. Aferrados a los impulsos de la influencia del comercio marítimo, de la agricultura de exportación y del trabajo asalariado en las fincas de ésta, tejieron todo un discurso argumental tendente a afirmar la cualidad capitalista de la economía y la sociedad insulares. Unos mirando hacia el interior de la sociedad isleña, otros hacia afuera, al tiempo que pasaban por alto la objetividad de las relaciones de producción precapitalistas (semifeudales) que sostenían la base económica canaria: la agricultura. [ 11] Asumiendo los planteamientos de las corrientes de pensamiento e interpretación sobre la sociedad canaria en boga en aquellos años (70-80 del pasado siglo), los autores que se acercaron al estudio de la sociedad gomera llegaron a las mismas conclusiones. En síntesis, venían a afirmar que la sociedad isleña era capitalista y que, en todo caso, podrían aparecer algunas trazas de relaciones precapitalistas que estaban subordinadas a aquel modo de producción. Si bien en muchas ocasiones señalan anacronismos en su estructura, no dejan de afirmar, por otra parte, que se trata de deformaciones, anomalías e imperfecciones propias del modo de producción capitalista. Por ese motivo, no reconocen o, incluso, niegan la semifeudalidad para buscar soluciones teóricas en las que se combinan posicionamientos a favor del triunfo del liberalismo con los derivados de las tesis del capitalismo periférico ( teoría de la dependencia), muy en boga en esas décadas. Por el contrario, ha habido otros investigadores para los que la existencia de esas relaciones precapitalistas en la etapa contemporánea de las islas respondió al fallido proceso de transformación de Canarias en una sociedad plenamente capitalista. Diversos autores han dejado constancia en sus investigaciones de la pervivencia de relaciones de producción precapitalistas (semifeudales), tanto en el terreno de las relaciones de producción y de propiedad como en su manifestación política ( caciquismo). Junto a esos análisis también se han empleado para La Gomera otros argumentos como el del determinismo ambiental o determinismo geográfico. Este enfoque estriba en otorgar al medio físico, natural, un papel destacado en la organización de la sociedad. Entiende al Hombre como un producto de su medio, como un organismo más en permanente proceso de adaptación al mismo. Convierte al medio en un factor primario, es decir, sobresaliente en la dualidad Naturaleza-Sociedad. Los autores que se apoyan en esta interpretación justifican, en mayor o menor grado, que las limitaciones y adversidades que ha sufrido la sociedad gomera a lo largo de su historia tienen como punto de partida su medio geográfico. Para ellos la pobreza del campesino gomero se debe a la abrupta topografía, a la falta de suelos o a la aridez. Y en ellas se encierran también las causas de la constante emigración de la población insular. Para esta corriente de interpretación, las relaciones horizontales y verticales en el seno de la sociedad isleña, la dialéctica social, queda mediatizada por esos condicionantes al margen de la voluntad humana. Hasta el momento, las tesis que defienden la preponderancia del capitalismo y el rigor del medio físico han sido las piedras angulares sobre las que ha girado la interpretación del proceso histórico contemporáneo gomero. Bajo ese paraguas epistemológico se llevaron a término los estudios relacionados con la historia contemporánea insular en las últimas cuatro décadas. [ 12] Los Sucesos de Hermigua Los llamados Sucesos de Hermigua tuvieron lugar el 22 de marzo de 1933 y fueron el clímax alcanzado por el empeño de los caciques gomeros por impedir cualquier tipo de organización obrera para así proteger su estatus feudal. [ 13] Desde julio de 1932, la carretera en construcción desde La Villa hacia Vallehermoso, se paralizó por presiones de los caciques de Hermigua, los Ramón Plasencia, Nicasio León, entre otros, impidieron que los obreros con sindicalización pudieran trabajar en las obras de dicha infraestructura. Lo cual significó que el 20% de la población total de Hermigua, unos 500 trabajadores, estaba en paro, de los cuales, unos 450 estaban afiliados a la Federación Obrera de Hermigua, de los que a su vez, unos 300 eran jornaleros. Por las instancias presentadas por la Federación Obrera ante el Gobierno Civil de Tenerife, este ordena que se admitan al menos a 100 trabajadores afiliados, que a su vez éstos y con la comunicación de Gobierno Civil en la mano, se presentaron a trabajar el día 19 de marzo. El capataz de la obra, siguiendo las órdenes del cacique Ramón Plasencia, se niega a admitirlos. El Gobierno Civil reitera mediante telegrama la orden los dos días sucesivos del 20 y 21 con el mismo resultado de que los 100 trabajadores se ven de nuevo rechazados y tienen que regresar al Valle Alto. El 14 de marzo de 1933 se celebra una asamblea en la Federación y se acuerda convocar una huelga general para el día 22. El seguimiento a la huelga es absoluto y los trabajadores se dirigen a la playa para allí concentrarse, recorriendo todo el Valle. El cabo Antonio Fuentes, Jefe de Puesto, intenta sin éxito disolver a uno de los grupos de obreros que pasaron de camino a la playa frente al cuartelillo de la Guardia Civil, quien incluso propina un planazo de sable al manifestante Manuel Herrera ( El Mangueras). Pero el seguimiento de la huelga es absoluto en todo el Valle y grupos cada vez más numerosos de trabajadores y sus familias se van concentrando camino hacia la playa. Con el objetivo de romper la huelga y por incitación (orden) de los caciques, el cabo Fuentes, manda a un camión de Ramón Plasencia a traer a los guardias civiles que prestaban servicio en Agulo. Los manifestantes, al paso del camión por La Castellana, intentan inmovilizarlo sin lograrlo. Al regreso del camión con los nuevos guardias civiles, a la altura del Palmarejo y sobre las dos de la tarde, se encuentran con una barrera en la carretera y los obreros con sus mujeres que les salen al paso. Según las declaraciones del sumario posterior, son las mujeres las que reprochan al cabo que haya roto, con el camión de Plasencia, la huelga general con voces como "No siga. No traiga más guardias, que solo queremos el pan de nuestros hijos". La situación se va caldeando y algunos manifestantes, hombres y mujeres, tiran piedras al camión y lo golpean con cañas. "Fue entonces cuando el comandante del puesto, inopinadamente, se echó hacia atrás, dio las voces de 'carguen' y de 'fuego' y él mismo disparó la pistola contra la multitud... Fuentes disparaba y los números iban a hacerlo y los grupos rodearon a los guardias. La muchedumbre, al querer quitar las armas al cabo y al guardia Garrote, los arroja por el barranco; el otro guardia, José Cano, que se resiste y hace uso del armamento es muerto por la multitud, que exaltada y contagiada por su propio furor, da muerte a Fuentes que yace en el barranco mientras éste y Garrote disparaban sobre los grupos". Informe en el juicio de Luis Jiménez de Asúa El guardia José Garrote de Pedro se refugia, haciendo fuego, en casa del cacique Nicasio León, mientras que el obrero Antonio Brito Brito, que subía por el talud del barranco es alcanzado por una bala que le atraviesa el corazón y muere en el acto. Otro obrero, Domingo Medina, queda herido de gravedad y varios más heridos de menos consideración. Ese mismo día 22 salió de Santa Cruz de Tenerife el Viera y Clavijo que desembarcó por el pescante a 37 guardias civiles al mando del Teniente Coronel Vara Terán a sumarse a los que ya habían acudido a Hermigua desde La Villa. Escudo de La Gomera Como resultado de los Sucesos de Hermigua, Vicente Valladolid Mesa, Manuel Avelino Perdomo Plasencia, Francisco Martín Negrín, Avelino Navarro Méndez, y Leoncio Fagundo Hernández fueron condenados a muerte. Domingo Medina Santos, el herido grave, fue condenado a 20 años, Juan Martín Hernández, Serafín Casanova Medina, Avelino Hernández Barrera y José León Piñero a 12 años. Fernando Ascanio Armas a 6 años. Antonia Gutiérrez González, Catalina Hernández Negrín y María Hernández Hernández a 3 años y Manuel Peraza Hernández a 2 años. Otros dieciséis hombres y una mujer fueron absueltos. La Ley de Amnistía del Frente Popular de febrero de 1936 los pone en libertad. Esta libertad solo durará hasta julio de 1936, momento en que comienza la Guerra Civil Española, siendo detenidos a partir de entonces todos los implicados en los "Sucesos de Hermigua". Los cinco condenados a muerte son asesinados y con ellos también José León Piñero, Domingo Rodríguez, Juan Martín Hernández, Antonio Martín Hernández, Antonio Hernández García, Manuel Casanova Medina, Jesús Chávez, Tomás Brito, Enrique Biscarria (maestro), Antonia Pineda Prieto, Fernando Ascanio y Pablo Ascanio. El Fogueo de Vallehermoso El Fogueo de Vallehermoso, fue la defensa de Vallehermoso y de la legalidad republicana por sus habitantes y por los cuatro guardias civiles y el brigada jefe de puesto de ese pueblo ante el ataque de las tropas alzadas y los falangistas de Hermigua en julio de 1936. Terminó con varios Consejos de Guerra sumarísimos y el fusilamiento el 27 de agosto de 1936 del brigada de la Guardia Civil Francisco Mas García y los dirigentes de la Federación Obrera de Vallehermoso Ramón Cabrera Bernal y Manuel Quintana Florentino y el 10 de marzo de 1937, en el Barranco del Hierro, de los también miembros de la Federación Obrera, Juan Medina Herrera, Manuel Méndez Prieto y Nicolás Prieto Ventura e indultados otros cuatro de los sentenciados a muerte. Religión La población de la isla de La Gomera profesa mayoritariamente la religión católica al igual que en el resto del archipiélago canario y del país, [ 14] también hay minorías de otras religiones. La isla forma un arciprestazgo perteneciente a la Diócesis de San Cristóbal de La Laguna, el Arciprestazgo de La Gomera. [ 15] La isla se encuentra bajo el patronazgo de la Virgen de Guadalupe [ 16] y San Sebastián, este último es también el santo patrono de la capital de la isla. Festivo insular en la isla de La Gomera es el lunes siguiente al primer sábado del mes de octubre, festividad de la Virgen de Guadalupe. [ 17] Folclore Tradiciones Pieza realizada por doña Guadalupe Niebla, en 1990, firmada: GN 1990. La Gomera es quizá una de las islas del archipiélago que mejor ha conservado ciertas tradiciones de los habitantes prehispánicos. Todavía se puede contemplar a las loceras mujeres artesanas del barro ("mazapé"), elaborando sin torno piezas alfareras, muy similares a las que utilizaban los aborígenes, ayudándose tan solo de cantos rodados y pequeños instrumentos de madera, como en el Norte de África. [ 18] El "baile del tambor" o " tajaraste " usa las mismas "chácaras" y tambores que encontraron los europeos cuando llegaron a la isla y la agitada danza que ejecutan los bailarines no ha cambiado durante siglos. Otra tradición turística es el vertiginoso salto con pértiga que realizan para desplazarse en los barrancos los gomeros más hábiles. Silbo Gomero El Silbo Gomero continúa vivo; consiste en un auténtico lenguaje silbado con el que es posible comunicarse a larga distancia de aproximadamente 3 kilómetros, utilizando sólo la boca y los dedos. Ha sido declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Este se imparte en las escuelas de toda la isla hasta la enseñanza secundaria obligatoria que se da con la materia de lengua castellana y literatura y solamente es para los alumnos de primero y segundo de la ESO. Celebraciones religiosas Cada cinco años se celebra la Bajada de la Virgen de Guadalupe (patrona de la isla), desde su ermita en Puntallana hasta la capital. Se la transporta en barco hasta la playa de San Sebastián donde diversas personas la acogerán y la transportaran a través de toda la isla durante dos meses. La bajada empieza el lunes siguiente al primer sábado de octubre, y tras esta peregrinación por toda la isla, la imagen regresa a su ermita. Dicho regreso coincide con el día de la onomástica de esta advocación mariana, es decir el 12 de diciembre o bien el sábado siguiente. Una vez en su templo, la imagen no vuelve a realizar esta cita lustral hasta dentro de cinco años. Esta bajada se realiza cuando los años acaban en "3" u "8". Otras fiestas religiosas destacadas se celebran en San Sebastián de La Gomera en enero en honor al patrono del municipio San Sebastián de Narbona y la de la Virgen de Candelaria en Chipude. Otras fiestas importantes son la Bajada de la Virgen de los Reyes en Valle Gran Rey y la de la Virgen del Carmen de Vallehermoso, entre otras. Personajes de La Gomera Antonio José Ruiz de Padrón: abolidor de la Inquisición española. Pedro García Cabrera: poeta. Manuel Mora Morales: escritor y cineasta. Guillermo Ascanio Moreno: ingeniero, político y militar. Félix Casanova de Ayala: escritor Cesarina Bento Montesinos: escritora. Antonio Marcos Chinea Hernández: boxeador olímpico. Hupalupa: líder de los antiguos gomeros. Hautacuperche: guerrero de los antiguos gomeros. Isidro Ortiz Muñoz: Premio a la Promoción de la Cultura de Canarias. Maria Dolores Gámez Méndez: Premio Amable del Turismo e impulsora del Turismo Rural y de la recuperación de la artesanía gomera. Jesús Simancas Megolla: Medalla de Oro de Canarias en la categoría de Comunicación. Alojamiento La isla de La Gomera ofrece diversos tipos de alojamiento para los visitantes, como pensiones, apartamentos, hoteles y casas rurales; entre ellos, un Parador Nacional de Turismo en San Sebastián. Las zonas más desarrolladas turísticamente están las vertientes este, sur y oeste de la isla, en donde se mueve el mayor número de turismo de playa de la isla. Las zonas de Turismo Sostenible están enfocadas al turismo activo, el cicloturismo y el senderismo, especialmente por las rutas del Parque Nacional de Garajonay. Existe una extensa variedad de alojamientos rurales en los municipios de Hermigua, Agulo y Vallehermoso. Destacan además del Parador Nacional, el Hotel Tecina en Playa Santiago el Hotel Gran Rey en Valle Gran Rey o los Apartamentos Rurales Los Telares en Hermigua y la primera Casa Emblemática de la isla, "Casa Emblemática Cubaba". [ 19] Hermanamientos Güímar, Tenerife (desde 2001). [ 20] Bibliografía JEREZ DARIAS, Luis M. (2017). La organización territorial de La Gomera: un ejemplo de subdesarrollo. Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de La Laguna. [ISBN: 978-84-16471-18-8]. JEREZ DARIAS, Luis M. Causas y consecuencias del atraso socioeconómico de La Gomera contemporánea. 1900-1980. Tenerife: Densura. [ISBN: 978-84-947212-4-3]. Wagner, Jorge; Matos, María José; Berrada, Hammad; Vossen, Rüdiger (2009). Cerámica Rifeña. Barro femenino. Asociación de Amigos del Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí y Museo de Bellas Artes de Castellón. ISBN 978-84-612-8944-8. Referencias ↑ «ISTAC». Archivado desde el original el 14 de noviembre de 2010. Consultado el 15 de junio de 2006. ↑ a b c «Real Decreto 743/2019, de 20 de diciembre, por el que se declaran oficiales las cifras de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal referidas al 1 de enero de 2019. ». 27 de diciembre de 2019. 20 de diciembre de 2019. ↑ a b c «Ley 7/1991, de 30 de abril, de símbolos de la naturaleza para las Islas Canarias». Archivado desde el original el 8 de agosto de 2011. Consultado el 11 de febrero de 2010. ↑ «Virgen de Guadalupe: leyenda e historia de la Patrona de La Gomera». Archivado desde el original el 4 de febrero de 2018. Consultado el 3 de febrero de 2018. ↑ «Fiestas insulares de Canarias». Consultado el 3 de febrero de 2018. ↑ «La Gomera». UNESCO (en inglés). Ecological Sciences for Sustainable Development. ↑ a b «La Gomera no viene de Gomer, nieto de Noé». Archivado desde el original el 17 de julio de 2018. Consultado el 17 de julio de 2018. ↑ Nombre indígena de Gomera ↑ «PURPURARIAS Y AFORTUNADAS».. Consultado el 28 de noviembre de 2017. ↑ justiciero, Dice ser el bolígrafo. «Descubren una nueva especie gomera de la que queda un único ejemplar en el mundo». Consultado el 6 de enero de 2020. ↑ JEREZ DARIAS, Luis M. «La organización territorial de La Gomera: un ejemplo de subdesarrollo». Servicio de publicaciones de la Universidad de La Laguna. ↑ JEREZ DARIAS, Luis M. «1». Líneas de interpretación acerca del carácter de la sociedad canaria y gomera contemporánea. Densura. p. 25-44. ISBN 978-84-947212-4-3. ↑ (25 de marzo de 2017). «84 años de “Los Sucesos de Hermigua” de 1933: La historia contra la desmemoria actual». El. Archivado desde el original el 29 de agosto de 2017. Consultado el 29 de agosto de 2017. ↑ «Religiones entre continentes. Minorías religiosas en Canarias. Editado por la Universidad de La Laguna». ↑ «Arciprestagos de la Diócesis Nivariense». ↑ Rüdiger Vossen La alfarería femenina del Rif y de Marruecos desde el punto de vista etnoarqueológico, p. 74. ↑ Vallehermoso en La Gomera, cuenta con la primera Casa Emblemática de la isla ↑ «Casimiro Curbelo será pregonero de las Fiestas de Fátima en Güímar». Archivado desde el original el 9 de mayo de 2015. Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2013. Enlaces externos Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre La Gomera. Sitio Oficial de Turismode La Gomera La Gomera - Web Oficial de Turismo de las Islas Canarias Fotos de estructuras geológicas y de formas de meteorización en la Isla Esta página se editó por última vez el 14 feb 2020 a las 07:28.
Straight off, this movie is totally different to what you may be used when thinking about Romanian movies. Starting with the story, the cast (Catrinel Marlon is magnificent) the scenery, smart humor and hidden little gems (references to various famous scenes in other movies) this film makes you think you're watching more of a Hollywood movie than a Romanian one, although, as a downside, I must say certain characters seem to be portrayed a bit simplistic.
The story is, to some extent, a typical police one, but the twist of using the whistling language from Gomera Island enriches the plot all around as it unfolds.
I really liked the movie and I would be happy if it sets the new trend in Romanian Cinema.
La gomera wiki. Los Gigantes should be on this list, absolutely breathtaking! Great vid! Love Tenerife <3. Super! Dankeschön. Flights Destinations Planning Flight number Company code Departures Arrivals Origin Destination New Window airlines Useful information regarding all the airlines which operate in the airport. shops Get the best souvenirs from the island in our multi-shop. restaurants and cafeterias Enjoy the best Canarian food while your wait for your flight. car hire Do you need to hire a car when you arrive at the airport? Get all the information here. parking offer Come by car and park at the airport. public transport Find out how to get to or leave the airport quickly, easily and safely. information Passenger services at the information desks located at the airport. PRM meeting points The airport has two meeting points related to the support service for PRM. lugagge Offices for reporting lost or damaged luggage. Road access With the help of aena club cliente Register for free and make the most of all the advantages and discounts available when using the airport' services. Go to Aena | Customer Club New Window Airport maps Airport maps Airport notices Bus Routes that link the airport and the rest of the island. All the notices...
Buenas tardes mi gente. Tremenda pesadilla la de esta mujer compartan el link con sus contactos por favor. In 4 Wochen bin ich wieder in Valle Gran Rey❤❤❤❤. Freue mich sehr auf meine Insel😍. La gomera cycling. La gomera online subtitrat. Parece relativamente fácil, no? La correspondencia con las sílabas del español hablado es bastante clara.
Even they did not catch a lot, this is still my favorite Nash video of all time. Alan should take revenge one time or another 🇧🇪. La gomera san sebastian. Great video and edit. La gomera pronunciation. 31. 1. 2020 Cabildo y Puertos Canarios presentan el plan de inversiones para los puertos gomeros Los recintos portuarios de Playa de Santiago y Vueltas reciben 767. 000 euros destinados a proyectos de conservación, mantenimiento, mejora de las instalaciones eléctricas, alumbrado público y adecuación de los campos de fondeo Casimiro Curbelo recuerda que se avanza en la ampliación del puerto de Playa de Santiago, así como la urbanización del acceso al puerto.. [Leer más] 30. 2020 El Coro Ainur interpreta el Réquiem de Fauré en La Gomera Acompañados de músicos de la Sinfónica de Las Palmas ofrecen esta obra cumbre del repertorio religioso en espacios para la que fue concebida: las iglesias. Este fin de semana estarán en la Iglesia de la Asunción de San Sebastián con entrada libre para el público El Coro Ainur finaliza esta semana en La Gomera y La Palma.. [Leer más].
Cristi is a middle aged undercover police officer with mommy issues who is trying to find the location of some stolen money. So he goes to a remote island to learn a whistling language that will allow him to communicate with the criminals from a distance. There he rekindles a relationship with his old flame and his priorities change. As both the criminals and his colleagues are onto Cristi what choices will he make to come out clean of his predicament? A clever game of cops and robbers ensues.
Summing up this multi layered, not always coherent plot, is not an easy task. THE WHISTLERS takes a long time to get going but it's many elements come together building up to something special. Heavy on movie references it is heavily inspired by Tarantino movies, although the style of the cinematography is rather dull.
The script on paper must look great, but this is the case where a writer should let go of his work and let someone else direct. Cornelliu Porumboiu helmed 13 films but seems to be still searching for his directing style. While all the cast do their job well, the motives of their characters for the majority of the film are obscure to say the least.
But if this is the originality you are looking for THE WHISTLERS is for you. With good timing and a genuine sense of wit it is a rewarding experience for those who will stick with it until the end.
La gomera ferry. Toll! Und diesmal werden wir auch eine Drohne mitnehmen. La gomera location. La Gomera Flag Geography Location Atlantic Ocean Coordinates 28°07′N 17°13′W / 28. 117°N 17. 217°W Archipelago Canary Islands Area 369. 76 km 2 (142. 77 sq mi) [1] Coastline 100 km (60 mi) [1] Highest elevation 1, 487 m (4, 879 ft) [1] Highest point Garajonay Administration Spain Autonomous Community Canary Islands Province Santa Cruz de Tenerife Capital and largest city San Sebastián de la Gomera (pop. 8, 945 (in 2018)) Demographics Demonym gomero/-a Population 21, 136 (2018) [2] Pop. density 57 /km 2 (148 /sq mi) Languages Spanish (specifically Canarian Spanish) and Silbo Gomero Ethnic groups Spanish, other minority groups Additional information Time zone WET ( UTC±00:00) • Summer ( DST) WEST ( UTC+01:00) Volcanic valley of La Gomera Volcanic plugs in the centre of La Gomera La Gomera ( pronounced [la ɣoˈmeɾa]) is one of Spain 's Canary Islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa. With an area of 370 square kilometres (140 sq mi), it is the third smallest of the eight main islands of this archipelago. It belongs to the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. La Gomera is the third least populous of the eight main Canary Islands with 21, 136 inhabitants. [2] Its capital is San Sebastián de La Gomera, where the cabildo insular (island council) is located. Political organisation [ edit] La Gomera is part of the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It is divided into six municipalities: Name Area (km 2) Population (2001) [3] Population (2011) [4] Population (2018) [5] Agulo 25. 36 1, 127 1, 148 1, 067 Alajeró 49. 43 1, 465 2, 005 2, 006 Hermigua 39. 67 2, 038 2, 076 1, 805 San Sebastián de la Gomera 113. 59 6, 618 8, 943 8, 945 Valle Gran Rey 32. 36 4, 239 4, 547 4, 484 Vallehermoso 109. 32 2, 798 2, 961 2, 829 Totals 370. 03 18, 285 21, 680 21, 138 The island government ( cabildo insular) is located in the capital, San Sebastián. Geography [ edit] The island is of volcanic origin and roughly circular; it is about 22 kilometres (14 miles) in diameter. The island is very mountainous and steeply sloping and rises to 1, 487 metres (4, 879 ft) at the island's highest peak, Alto de Garajonay. Its shape is rather like an orange that has been cut in half and then split into segments, which has left deep ravines or barrancos between them. Ecology [ edit] The uppermost slopes of these barrancos, in turn, are covered by the laurisilva - or laurel rain forest, where up to 50 inches of precipitation fall each year. The upper reaches of this densely wooded region are almost permanently shrouded in clouds and mist, and as a result are covered in lush and diverse vegetation: they form the protected environment of Spain's Garajonay National Park, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. The slopes are criss-crossed by paths that present varying levels of difficulty to visitors, and stunning views to seasoned hikers. The central mountains catch the moisture from the trade wind clouds and yield a dense jungle climate in the cooler air, which contrasts with the warmer, sun-baked cliffs near sea level. Between these extremes one finds a fascinating gamut of microclimates; for centuries, the inhabitants of La Gomera have farmed the lower levels by channelling runoff water to irrigate their vineyards, orchards and banana groves. Natural symbols [ edit] The official natural symbols associated with La Gomera are Columba junoniae (Paloma rabiche) and Persea indica (Viñátigo). [6] Culture [ edit] The local wine is distinctive and often accompanied with a tapa (snack) of local cheese, roasted pork, or goat meat. Other culinary specialities include almogrote, a cheese spread, miel de palma, a syrup extracted from palm trees, and "escaldón", a porridge made with gofio flour. The inhabitants of La Gomera have an ancient way of communicating across deep ravines by means of a whistled speech called Silbo Gomero, which can be heard 2 miles away. [7] This whistled language is indigenous to the island, and its existence has been documented since Roman times. Invented by the original inhabitants of the island, the Guanches, Silbo Gomero was adopted by the Spanish settlers in the 16th century and survived after the Guanches were entirely assimilated. [7] When this means of communication was threatened with extinction at the dawn of the 21st century, the local government required all children to learn it in school. Marcial Morera, a linguist at the University of La Laguna has said that the study of silbo may help understand how languages are formed. [7] In the mountains of La Gomera, its original inhabitants worshipped their god, whom they called Orahan; the summit and centre of the island served as their grand sanctuary. Indeed, many of the natives took refuge in this sacred territory in 1489, as they faced imminent defeat at the hands of the Spaniards, and it was here that the conquest of La Gomera was drawn to a close. Modern-day archaeologists have found several ceremonial stone constructions here that appear to represent sacrificial altar stones, slate hollows, or cavities. It was here that the Guanches built pyres upon which to make offerings of goats and sheep to their god. This same god, Orahan, was known on La Palma as Abora and on Tenerife and Gran Canaria as Arocan. The Guanches also interred their dead in caves. Today, saints, who are worshipped through village festivals, are principally connected with Christianity. But in some aspects, the Guanches’ god-like idealising of Gomeran uniqueness plays a role as well besides their pre-Christian and pre-colonial implication and shows strong local differences. [8] Christopher Columbus made La Gomera his last port of call before crossing the Atlantic in 1492 with his three ships. He stopped here to replenish his crew's food and water supplies, intending to stay only four days. Beatriz de Bobadilla y Ossorio, the Countess of La Gomera and widow of Hernán Peraza the Younger, offered him vital support in preparations of the fleet, and he ended up staying one month. When he finally set sail on 6 September 1492, she gave him cuttings of sugarcane, which became the first to reach the New World. After his first voyage of Discovery, Columbus again provisioned his ships at the port of San Sebastián de La Gomera in 1493 on his second voyage to the New World, commanding a fleet of 17 vessels. He visited La Gomera for the last time in 1498 on his third voyage to the Americas. The house in San Sebastián in which he is reputed to have stayed is now a tourist attraction. Genetics [ edit] An autosomal study in 2011 found an average Northwest African influence of about 17% in Canary Islanders with a wide interindividual variation ranging from 0% to 96%. According to the authors, the substantial Northwest African ancestry found for Canary Islanders supports that, despite the aggressive conquest by the Spanish in the 15th century and the subsequent immigration, genetic footprints of the first settlers of the Canary Islands persist in the current inhabitants. Parallelling mtDNA findings (50. 1% of U6 and 10. 83% of L haplogroups), [9] the largest average Northwest African contribution (42. 50%) was found for the samples from La Gomera. [10] According to Flores et al. (2003), genetic drift could be responsible for the contrasting difference in Northwest African ancestry detected with maternal (51% of Northwest African lineages) and paternal markers (0. 3–10% of Northwest African lineages) in La Gomera. Alternatively, it could reflect the dramatic way the island was conquered, producing the strongest sexual asymmetry in the archipelago. [11] Festivals [ edit] The festival of the Virgin of Guadalupe, patron saint of the island, is the Monday following the first Saturday of October. Every five years (most recently in 2013) is celebrated the Bajada de la Virgen de Guadalupe (the Bringing the Virgin) from her hermitage in Puntallana to the capital. She is brought by boat to the beach of San Sebastián de La Gomera, where several people host her, and transported throughout the island for two months. Notable natives and residents [ edit] Antonio José Ruiz de Padrón (1757–1823), Franciscan priest and politician. José Aguiar (1895–1975), painter. Pedro García Cabrera (1905–1981), writer and poet. Tim Hart (1948–2009), English folk musician. Manuel Mora Morales (born 1952), writer, filmmaker and editor. Oliver Weber (born 1970), German photographer, physician and professor of visual arts. References [ edit] ^ a b c "Estadística del Territorio" [Territory Statistics] (in Spanish). Instituto Canario de Estadística (ISTAC). Retrieved 14 August 2019. ^ a b "Real Decreto 1458/2018, de 14 de diciembre, por el que se declaran oficiales las cifras de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal referidas al 1 de enero de 2018" [Royal Decree 1458/2018, of 14 December, by which the population values resulting from the review of the municipal register of 1 January 2018 are declared official] (PDF). BOE (in Spanish). 29 December 2018. Retrieved 14 August 2019. ^ Census of 1 November 2001: from Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid. ^ Census of 1 November 2011: from Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid. ^ Estimate of 1 January 2018: from Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Madrid. ^ Ley 7/1991, de 30 de abril, de símbolos de la naturaleza para las Islas Canarias ^ a b c Laura Plitt (11 January 2013). "Silbo gomero: A whistling language revived". BBC News. Retrieved 13 January 2013. ^ Jaehnichen, G. (2011). Steps into the future: San Isitdro's procession dance. In: Jaehnichen & Chieng, (eds. ) Preserving creativity in music practice. Universiti Putra Malaysia Press. 2012 ^ Fregel et al. (2009) The maternal aborigine colonization of La Palma (Canary Islands) Euro J Hum Gen 17:1314-1324 ^ Pino-Yanes M, Corrales A, Basaldúa S, Hernández A, Guerra L, et al. 2011 North African Influences and Potential Bias in Case-Control Association Studies in the Spanish Population. PLoS ONE 6(3): e18389. doi: 10. 1371/ ^ Flores, C., Maca-Meyer, N., Pérez, J. A., González, A. M., Larruga, J. M. & Cabrera, V. 2003 A predominant European ancestry of paternal lineages from Canary Islands. Ann Hum Genet 67, 138–152. 1046/j. 1469-1809. 2003. 00015. x External links [ edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to La Gomera. La Gomera travel guide from Wikivoyage Cabildo de La Gomera La Gomera - Official Canary Islands Tourism Coordinates: 28°07′N 17°13′W / 28. 217°W.
La gomera maps. What a great vid, only watched it like ten times now. La gomera islas canarias. La gomera tenerife. 2 wins & 11 nominations. See more awards » Learn more More Like This Comedy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 2 / 10 X Filmmaker Elia Suleiman travels to different cities and finds unexpected parallels to his homeland of Palestine. Director: Elia Suleiman Stars: Elia Suleiman, Tarik Kopty, Kareem Ghneim Crime | Drama 6. 9 / 10 A gangster on the run sacrifices everything for his family and a woman he meets while on the lam. Yi'nan Diao Ge Hu, Lun-Mei Kwei, Fan Liao 6. 6 / 10 A Belgian teenager hatches a plot to kill his teacher after embracing an extremist interpretation of the Quran. Directors: Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne Idir Ben Addi, Olivier Bonnaud, Myriem Akheddiou Thriller 7. 7 / 10 A cop from the provinces moves to Paris to join the Anti-Crime Brigade of Montfermeil, discovering an underworld where the tensions between the different groups mark the rhythm. Ladj Ly Damien Bonnard, Alexis Manenti, Djebril Zonga War 1945, Leningrad. WWII has devastated the city, demolishing its buildings and leaving its citizens in tatters, physically and mentally. Two young women search for meaning and hope in the struggle to rebuild their lives amongst the ruins. Kantemir Balagov Viktoria Miroshnichenko, Vasilisa Perelygina, Andrey Bykov In a remote Icelandic town, an off duty police chief begins to suspect a local man for having had an affair with his wife, who recently died in a car accident. Gradually his obsession for... See full summary » Hlynur Palmason Ingvar Sigurdsson, Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir, Hilmir Snær Guðnason Fantasy 6. 1 / 10 A man is brought back from the dead to work in the hell of sugar cane plantations. 55 years later, a Haitian teenager tells her friends her family secret - not suspecting that it will push one of them to commit the irreparable. Bertrand Bonello Louise Labeque, Wislanda Louimat, Katiana Milfort A young Israeli man absconds to Paris to flee his nationality, aided by his trusty Franco-Israeli dictionary. Nadav Lapid Tom Mercier, Quentin Dolmaire, Louise Chevillotte Sci-Fi 5. 9 / 10 Alice, a single mother, is a dedicated senior plant breeder at a corporation engaged in developing new species. Against company policy, she takes one home as a gift for her teenage son, Joe. Jessica Hausner Emily Beecham, Ben Whishaw, Kerry Fox A stormy reunion between scriptwriter Lumir with her famous mother and actress, Fabienne, against the backdrop of Fabienne's autobiographic book and her latest role in a Sci-Fi picture as a mother who never grows old. Hirokazu Koreeda Catherine Deneuve, Juliette Binoche, Ethan Hawke Biography The real life of Tommaso Buscetta the so called "boss of the two worlds", first mafia informant in Sicily 1980's. Marco Bellocchio Pierfrancesco Favino, Luigi Lo Cascio, Fausto Russo Alesi Romance 8. 2 / 10 On an isolated island in Brittany at the end of the eighteenth century, a female painter is obliged to paint a wedding portrait of a young woman. Céline Sciamma Noémie Merlant, Adèle Haenel, Luàna Bajrami Edit Storyline Cristi, a Romanian police officer who is a whistle blower for mafia, is going to La Gomera Island to learn an ancestral whistling language. In Romania he is under police surveillance and by using this coded language he will continue to communicate with the mobsters to get Zsolt out of prison. Zsolt is the only one who knows where 30 millions of euros are hidden. Written by 42 KM FILM Plot Summary Add Synopsis Taglines: Loyalty is not their language. Details Release Date: 28 February 2020 (USA) See more » Also Known As: The Whistlers Box Office Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $645, 120 See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs » Did You Know? Soundtracks Die Moritat von Mackie Messer written by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill performed by Ute Lemper See more ».
Thanks again you two! Hope the wind dies down a bit for you.
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From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Jump to navigation Jump to search La Gomera one of Spain's Canary Islands Upload media Wikipedia Wikivoyage Instance of high island Part of Canary Islands Location Santa Cruz de Tenerife Province, Canary Islands, Spain Located in or next to body of water Atlantic Ocean Located on terrain feature Canary Islands Capital San Sebastián de La Gomera Official language Spanish Population 21, 153 Area 370 km² Elevation above sea level 1, 487 m 28° 06′ 00″ N, 17° 07′ 59. 88″ W Authority control Q105967 VIAF ID: 153760028 GND ID: 4121997-1 Library of Congress authority ID: n94042918 Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 11951392f OSM relation ID: 2214684 NKCR AUT ID: xx0121231 Reasonator PetScan Scholia Statistics WikiShootMe Search depicted Subcategories This category has the following 20 subcategories, out of 20 total. * ► Featured pictures of La Gomera (4 F) ► General views of La Gomera (1 C, 26 F) ► Satellite pictures of La Gomera (3 F) + ► Maps of La Gomera (8 C, 12 F) B ► Buildings in La Gomera (7 C, 12 F) C ► Culture of La Gomera (5 C, 9 F) E ► Economy of La Gomera (2 C, 9 F) G ► Geography of La Gomera (6 C) H ► History of La Gomera (5 C) ► Houses on La Gomera (5 C, 2 F) L ► La Gomera Airport (6 F) ► Laguna Grande recreational area (9 F) ► Lake of La Gomera (1 C) M ► Municipalities in La Gomera (6 C) N ► Nature of La Gomera (14 C, 123 F) P ► People of La Gomera (1 C, 4 F) R ► Roads in La Gomera (2 C, 22 F) S ► Symbols of La Gomera (5 F) V ► Views of La Gomera (2 C, 15 F) ► Views of Teide from La Gomera (20 F) Pages in category "La Gomera" This category contains only the following page. La Gomera Media in category "La Gomera" The following 32 files are in this category, out of 32 total. Buen lugar para alojarse - 4, 320 × 3, 240; 5. 75 MB Burnt Forest (8534054283) 5, 184 × 3, 456; 14. 63 MB Burnt Forest 2 (8548402955) 5, 184 × 3, 456; 13. 18 MB Collage La 404 × 404; 93 KB Cruz de Machal - 2, 592 × 1, 944; 1. 52 MB DSCF0706 (376458878) 768 × 1, 024; 712 KB DSCF0746 (376462018) 1, 024 × 768; 641 KB Eberhard Bosslet Fotografie Schrott und Sonne La Gomera 500 × 330; 69 KB Eidechse im Loch zwischen Mauersteinen in Agulo auf La Gomera, Spanien (48293665201) 2, 926 × 1, 947; 1. 84 MB El Cedro - panoramio (1) 4, 320 × 3, 240; 4. 66 MB El Guro, Valle Gran Rey, Gomera - 1, 296 × 809; 447 KB El Hierro HDR - 4, 231 × 3, 132; 1. 77 MB Era - panoramio (1) 2, 048 × 1, 536; 2. 27 MB Era - panoramio (2) 2, 048 × 1, 536; 2 MB Gomera bridge 4, 288 × 2, 848; 2. 11 MB Hangar-antiguo- aerodromo del Revolcadero 500 × 332; 128 KB Hillside (8555838888) 5, 184 × 3, 456; 9. 8 MB 3, 264 × 2, 448; 1. 35 MB La Gomera Lighthouse (8554747687) 4, 244 × 2, 841; 4. 85 MB La gomera, restaurant - 2, 272 × 1, 704; 1. 44 MB Leaving La Gomera (8542058671) 8, 398 × 2, 269; 6. 19 MB Leaving La Gomera Island, Canary Islands, Spain - 1, 954 × 1, 292; 1. 22 MB Lizards in Agulo on La Gomera, Spain (48293766097) 3, 211 × 2, 137; 6. 4 MB Propiedad privada en la playa de Avalos, La 2, 784 × 1, 613; 1. 17 MB Psyrock, festival, dance, 2008 - 2, 816 × 2, 112; 1. 77 MB Scarecrow. Garajonay National Park. La Gomera - 1, 957 × 1, 960; 1. 28 MB Tenerife desde la 4, 032 × 2, 268; 2. 45 MB Ubicación del antiguo aerodromo del Revolcadero, la 3, 008 × 2, 000; 305 KB 397 × 266; 56 KB Waterfall La Gomera (8549512744) 2, 862 × 4, 764; 10. 42 MB Waterfall La Gomera 2 (8549515116) 2, 230 × 3, 886; 5. 61 MB Y sale el sol - 4, 320 × 3, 240; 1. 98 MB Retrieved from " " Categories: Province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife Islands of the Canary Islands Non-topical/index: Uses of Wikidata Infobox with maps Uses of Wikidata Infobox Uses of Wikidata Infobox providing interwiki links Pages with maps.
1 - The Wildest One La Gomera and El Hierro (behind) as seen from Roques del Cedro on Tenerife. La Gomera, the next to smallest island of the Canaries, has been called the wildest of them all. Though its highpoint doesn’t quite reach 1500m, though it is an anticlimax as highpoints go, though there is only one real mountaineering objective, La Fortaleza de Chipude, the island surely deserves the description. It is a veritable hikers’ paradise offering hikes and scrambles of all lengths aspects and difficulties. And you can barely go wrong as the important routes have been marked extensively. La Gomera’s wild aspect is caused by its geologic history, the first half of which was dominated by volcanism. La Gomera was created 12 million years ago by cleft volcanism where the magma is emitted along long fissures in the ground. Along with the magma huge amounts of cinder and ash were also emitted forming the near circular shape of the island. Gradually, however, volcanism stopped and for the last 2 million years there has been no eruption at all on the island. This is when erosion took over in forming the landscape and thanks to large amounts of rainfall over the millennia it is estimated that today already half of the bulk of the island has been washed away to the sea. Erosion formed large canyons, the barrancos of La Gomera, which run from the centre of the island to its outskirts. In the north, where volcanism stopped earlier the barrancos have become rather wide while the ridges in between, the lomos, have become knife-edge like in character. In the south these ridges are rather broad and mesa like with very narrow barrancos, bounded by near vertical walls. Today there are about 50 barrancos heading out from the island’s centre to the sea. Every here and there – rather often in fact – you come across the remains of the magma emitting fissures, in which magma has cooled down to form large solid blocks off basalt. These structures tend to stand alone above the washed out barrancos, offering very impressive views and very wild aspects. The Techeleche mountains in the west of La Gomera are a good example of these kind of volcanic structures. Last – but in no way least – La Gomera is home to half a dozen rock towers, former volcanic plugs, where lava was funnelled to the top of the volcanoes. Most of them are located at the south-western boundary of the Parque Nacional de Garajonay, La Gomera’s largest national park (see below) and rise out of the cloud forest like giant cones. Near Hemigua and Vallehermoso in the north as well as Imada and Benchijigua in the south there are more of these towers, all looking very wild and inaccessible. As said above, La Gomera is perfect for hikers. In the 16th and 17th centuries Gomerans created Caminos and Mulaterias between the villages in the mountains and at sea levels. In the last years these Caminos have been revised and marked. Often they take the direct route between the two endpoints regardless of the terrain so that you find yourself climbing up an improbable vertical wall on an exposed ledge-like and switch backing trail. There is a veritable web of these paths, connecting to any interesting point. Moreover there are two trekking trails, GR131 and GR132. The former climbs across the central mountain range, connecting San Sebastian in the east with Vallehermoso in the west while the latter circles the island high above the coast. GR131 takes 2 to 3 days to complete, GR 132 5 to 8 days. 2 - La Gomera on SP Interactive Overview Map of La Gomera La Gomera cannot easily be divided in different mountain ranges. There is the central highland around Garajonay, the island’s highpoint but not much more. The remaining mountains of the island are located on the ridges between the various barrancos. Therefore generally the island is divided by the directions of the compass. I added two additional regions, the central highland in the Parque Nacional de Garajonay and the greater region of Valle Gran Rey in the south-west of the island. All are described in the following sections and mountain pages will be added to the appropriate sections as they appear on SP. Parque Nacional de Garajonay Garajonay Los Roques The East Altos de Uteza Jaragan The South Barranco Juan de Vera Valle Gran Rey La Fortaleza de Chipude Lomo de Harinero Tequergenche La Merica The North-West Tejeleche The North Lomo Gordo 3 - Parque Nacional de Garajonay Garajonay as seen from La Fortaleza The centre of the island of La Gomera is dominated by the north-western trade winds. The humid air, being forced to rise above the mountainous centre of the island condenses and often forms dense clouds which cover the mountain tops, especially in the north. This cloud cover creates the conditions for one of the rarest types of forests on earth, the Canarian laurisilva or laurel forest. All of the Canarian islands that exceed 1000m in elevation have their laurisilva patches but none as large as La Gomera. More than 10% of the island’s area (4000ha from 369square km) are covered by this dense cloud forest, offering a habitat for a large variety of endemic plants and animals (mainly birds). The whole area has been set aside as a national park, the Parque Nacional de Garajonay, which itself has been declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is a strange kind of forest. The trees rarely exceed 20m in height, nevertheless inside it is as dark as a forest can be. The trees are covered with lichen and moss, often sporting beards of several metres length. Thanks to the wet conditions the turf is very slippery and descending one of the hill-like summits can become nightmarish. You should not leave the roads, paths and trails since it is easy to get lost inside the laurisilva. The park management has created a network of marked trails which connect the major points of interest within the forest. Though the park contains all summits above 1300m on the island it nevertheless is of no mountaineering importance. The summits are all hill-like and tree covered and solely Garajonay, La Gomera’s highpoint is of some interest. Some of the other peaks can also be climbed but apart from Alto de Igualero, the antenna decorated neighbour of Garajonay none are. Roque de Agando Right outside the park – in its south-east you can find another small park, the Monumento Natural de Los Roques. Here three impressive towers, former volcanic plugs remain standing, Roque de Agando, Roque de la Zarcita and Roque de Ojila. All three used to be climbing destinations in the past (especially Roque de Agando with some 200m long, UIAA IV and V graded routes) but with the advent of the UNESCO World Heritage Site they have been declared off limits. Within the laurisilva forest the Roques are the main tourist destination. The road from San Sebastian to Valle Gran Rey passes in their midst and several miradores have been established to offer good views for the crowds. 4 - The East Tenerife above the eastern part of La Gomera The eastern part of the island can be defined as the area east of the Hermigua Valley in the north and the wild Barranco Juan de Vera in the south. It is one of the most inhabited areas on the island since the capital, San Sebastian de La Gomera is at its centre. About xxxx of La Gomera’s xxxxx inhabitants live in the greater San Sebastian area and consequently you have to account for a lot of “civilization out east. Nevertheless the region contains one of the most inaccessible mountain ranges on La Gomera, the Cumbre de Carbonara, which bounds the Hermigua Valley to the east. It’s highest mountain, Enchereda, has been closed to hiking for environmental reasons and thus only on hiking trail crosses the range at Degollada de la Cumbre right above the Hermigua – San Sebastian road. The Cumbre Carbonara is a long wooded ridge, running from the centre of the island to the north and sporting impressive faces on its western side. Apart from Cumbre Carbonara you can find several other long ridges, which separate frofound Barrancos. The best known is the one running from Degollada de la Cumbre to San Sebastian, where you can find several hiking destinations like Altos de Uteca, Montaña Ismael or Jaragan, all of which are nicely visible from the island capital. The southern boundary, Barranco Juan de Vera, is one of the wildest of the whole island. Bounded by two rock-studded ridges it also contains many lava walls, proofs of the fissures with formerly emitted the lava, which created the island. The rock structures along the ridges are all made up from beautiful solid basalt pillars and if it weren’t for the long access routes would make for perfect climbing venues. The private holiday resort El Cabrito at its mouth, however, amounts to an anticlimax of that beautiful canyon. 5 - The South Pico Gomero and Roque del Sombrero The south of La Gomera, between Barranco Juan de Vera in the east and Barranco de la Rajita in the west is of the least mountaineering interest of all the regions on the island. Like all other regions it contains its share of Barrancos but thanks to the towns of Playa de Santiago (and its airport) and Alajero, the region’s capital, it is home to a lot of purely touristic attractions like a Golf Course or the only old Drago tree of La Gomera. The exception from this rule is Barranco de Benjichigua, which leads up to the island’s centre with Roque de Agando at its end. There is a nice loop hiking trail from The Carreta del Centro to Imada, Benchijigua, Roque Agando and back, one of the most exceptional routes on the island. After the closure of Los Roques for climbing, Roque de Imada, a tower of secondary importance is one of the last remaining climbing objects on the island. Thanks to the lack of rain in the south of La Gomera the region is the main area of retreat in case of foggy weather in the north and centre. It offers long hiking routes, which, however, lack the beauty of some of the routes in the other regions. The area is simply too arid to be attractive. 6 - Valle Gran Rey High above the mouth of Valle Gran Rey Valle Gran Rey, the Valley of the Great King, is the main touristic spot on La Gomera. Mainly German tourists spend their vacation here, choosing between the beaches and the impressive hikes and scrambles along the bounding Mesas of the valley. The region encompasses all the area between Barranco de la Rajita in the east and the Taguluche Valley in the west and is home to the sole mountaineering destinantion on the island, La Fortaleza de Chipude. La Fortaleza is a circular table-top mountain formed out of solid red basalt towering high above the Baranco de Earque with its red east face. The normal ascent, formerly a UIAA I / II affair has been degraded into an exposed scramble thanks to steps which have been hewn out of the north-eastern chimney route. Apart from La Fortaleza there are two very interesting Mesas – the ones which form the boundaries of Valle Gran Rey. To the west there is a high ridge, starting at Arure in the north and ending directly above the Valle Gran Rey beaches. La Merica, as it is called was used as cattle grazing ground in former years but now is left to the many hikers who want to follow the ridge and descend to the coast. La Merica is 855m high and climbing the switchbacks of the camino which leads to its top from Valle Gran Rey is quit challenging especially on sunny days. It’s advisable to start very early in the morning. To the east of Valle Gran Rey there is another set of mesa like summits, Lomo de Harinero, Montana de Adivino, Lomo de Las Pilas and Tequergenche, the latter standing 600m high above the port of Vueltas. Like La Merica on the other side of the Valle the summits in the east are very panoramic but made up from very brittle rock. Unlike La Merica there are barrancos which separate the summits and personal experience shows that crossing one of these can turn out to be a very dangerous affair. To the east of Tequergenche there is Barranco de Araga, a short but profound canyon, which is the most difficult route to the Tequergenche summit. After passing the buildings at the mouth of the barranco the route turns into a veritable dance across ledges and through chimneys before the canyon turns into a palm studded valley in its upper part. All in all it is probably one of the most difficult hiking routes on the island. 7 - The North-West The Techeleche Range as seen from the ascent to Lomo de Carrreton To the north La Merica suddenly drops off into Barranco de Taguluche, one of the most beautiful settings on La Gomera. This profound barranco is bounded by impressive walls on three sides and open only to the sea through a narrow mouth. In addition to the La Merica north face in the south of the barranco, Lomo de Carreton, a broad backed ridge bounds the valley to the east with beautiful reddish basalt walls. But the show of the valley is the small Techeleche Range, probably the wildest range on the island. It is one of the youngest parts of La Gomera but also lots of its substance has eroded into the sea. Thus you find a wonderful setting of towers which rise out of the sea for up to 600m. In between a lot of lava walls bear witness to the history of the area – long fissures which emitted the brittle substance of the range. To its north – across Barranco del Mono - the north-western part of La Gomera turns less wild. However, the coast is inaccessible for most of the region, only at Ajolera and Arguamul two roads get close to the sea. The region is separated by a long, broad and tree-covered ridge by the Valley of Vallehermoso, a popular hiking destination thanks to the easy roads and perfect views in the area. On a good day Tenerife and La Palma can bee seen from the ridge, which reaches its highpoints at some 900m at Montaña de la Puntilla and Montaña de la Caldera. 8 - The North Lomo Gordo in the north of La Gomera The north of La Gomera, like the south, is of little mountaineering importance. It stretches between the valleys of Vallehermoso to the west and Hermigua to the east. The coast itself is inaccessible for most part and the Carretera del Norte, the winding main road in the north of the island takes up much space in the countryside behind. Near Vallehermoso, several interesting Rock formations can be found, the most impressive of which is Roque El Cano, which towers high above the little town in the north. Another interesting destination is Lomo Gordo, a broad backed Mesa, which separates the Hermigua Valley from the Agulo. Though the top of the lomo can be reached by car from the centre of the island it has two interesting ascent routes and probably the best view of Tenerife you can get on La Gomera. From the Hermigua side in the east a camino climbs a spur of Lomo Gordo, sometimes breathtakingly exposed but never really difficult. From Agulo another camino winds its way through the Red Wall, a vertical basalt wall right above the little town. Last but not least one should mention Los Gemenos, the twin rocks at El Estanquillo, two former volcanic plugs which tower above the Hermigua Valley. Unlike the other rocks on the island Los Gemenos have not been placed inside a natural monument and thus are easily accessible. However, the hamlet El Estanquillo surrounds the rocks with houses right up to their bases. 9 - Traffic and Accommodation The small Canarian islands, La Gomera and El Hiero, can only be reached by a relayed flight schedule or by using one of the ferries from Tenerife or La Palma. Both islands have regional airports which are only served by the local carrier. Moreover weather often is unstable at the airports that flights can be delayed of are cancelled altogether. As for ferries – still the regular mode of travelling – you can choose among different carriers and different starting harbours. Generally travel offices will book the whole itinerary from your home airport to the hotel or apartment complex. It will include the flight to Tenerife south, bus transfer to the harbour (Los Christianos), ferry transfer to La Gomera or El Hierro, and the bus transfer to the hotel. As for accommodation, you can rent hotel rooms and apartments from any travel office in Europe (overseas might be a bit more difficult). Many of the large companies have their own web sites so that you might look them up there as well. For fincas you can try to contact locals from a web based search – many expatriates offer their own houses for use by tourists. It takes a bit of research on the web however. Make sure you book a flight before you book the apartment, especially over the Christmas or Easter holidays. Flights are always sold out during these times. Local transport is available by bus. There are bus lines between the major towns on the islands. Since there are only a handful of regional roads this amounts to a thorough network and you’ll be able to reach anywhere on the island, especially if you are prepared to hike a bit. Make sure that you know the schedule, however. Some lines are served only once or twice a day. Therefore renting a car might be advisable after all. You can rent small cars in any of the tourist resorts as well as from the harbours or airports. Prices are somewhat lower than in continental Europe though still quite high. Also without a hotel address the car rental companies tend to give you run-down cars. 10 - Red Tape Dragonfly near Benchijigua La Gomera is a veritable patchwork of national, regional, local and natural parks. Apart from the Laurisilva in the Parque Nacional de Garajonay the park rules are not overly restrictive. Local farmers tend to let their sheep and goats graze in the areas so that there is always a passage through the parks. Of course, no plants may be collected and the few Gomeran animals should not be disturbed. The Garajonay Park additionally has the restriction that noone is allowed to camp in its limit and that open fire is only allowed in the designated areas. Also, since it has been declared world heritage site, climbing is not allowed on the Roques at its south-eastern boundary. 11 - Weather Conditions Trade wind clouds There are few sites on the web, which deal with the weather for La Gomera. The island just is not very popular with the tourist crowd. The ones you can find are for San Sebastian. The following table gives a rough general overview over the weather on La Gomera, at sea level. Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg. day temp. [°C / °F] 20 / 68 21 / 70 22 / 72 23 / 73 25 / 77 27 / 81 29 / 84 Avg. night temp. [°C / °F] 15 / 59 16 / 61 18 / 64 17 / 63 Water temp. [°C / °F] 19 / 66 Rainy days 11 8 6 5 2 1 0 The Canarian Islands (as well as Madeira) are located in the trade wind zone. You almost always encounter northeastern winds which carry a lot of humid air. Being forced to climb to higher altitudes this moisture condenses into clouds. This in return means that most of the time the northeastern part of the islands is covered in clouds from altitudes of 1000m through 1500m. The mountainous region in the centre of the island is of the same alltitude and thus stops the clouds. While the northern parts of the islands can be foggy and rainy the southern parts most often are sunny and hot. On La Gomera the centre of the island collects almost all moisture in a big cloud forest, the laurisilva. It is the largest consecutive cloud forest on any of the Canarian islands and has been declared world heritage site. 12 - Maps & Books 12. 1 – Maps Obviously there are no decent hiking maps of the island. It appears that in some regions the topographical data differs from the reality on the ground so that three different map sets can show three different sets data while the reality is different again. For hiking purposes the following map is adaequate though not perfect. La Gomera Kompass Map WK231 Kompass Verlag ISBN: 978-3-85491-015-2 12. 2 - Digital Maps Kompass is the only company known to me which offers GPS digital Maps. In addition for those of you with Garmin GPS receivers there is a map source map set of all Canarian islands out there with the exception of Lanzarote. Currently you can download it for free. La Gomera Kompass GPS4231 Kompass Verlag ISBN 3-85491-425-3 Islas Canarias Map Source custom map By Manfred Pepper downloadable zip-file 12. 3 – Books An excellent hiking guide available in both German and English is: La Gomera Klaus Wolfsperger / Annette Miehle-Wolfsperger Rother Verlag ISBN 3-7633-4007-6 (German) ISBN 3-7633-4823-9 (English).
Hey Guys Thanx 4 the another Great video! Wondering what kind of trees those were in the beginning, with the bright orange leaves or flowers? Don't know that i've seen those any where in the U.S. Thanx again for sharing.
La gomera song.
This movie looks so bad but so good. It is either going to be terrible or brilliant. There is no in between.
Una pregunta que ojala no ofenda a nadie... entienden a los pajaros. La gamerankings. La gomera national park. La gomera online.
Loooove the video. Really can't wait now to go back for the 4th time in August
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La gomera language. La gomera playa de santiago. Schöner Bericht aber Rei gibt's nur in der Tube. Canarians are so kind and their accent is suuuuuper sweet. La gomera spain. Féloche je te l'ai déjà dis j'espère vraiment te voir demain pour mon anniversaire mais quand je revois ce documentaire sur el silbo je suis ému car c'est une histoire touchante, une invitation au voyage. Bravo à toi et longue vie a ta carrière, gomero. La gomera island map. La gomera gigante. Eine ganz tolle Reportage über la Gomera! Ich bin gerade auf la Gomera valle gran rey und schaue gespannt dein wunderschönes video über das WLAN von tres palmeras an. Danke für das wundervolle Video 😃😁🤗.
La gomera cannes. Видео: Остров Ла-Гомера Основные моменты Круглый островок Ла-Гомера входит в состав провинции Санта-Круз-де-Тенерифе. Площадь острова составляет 378 км², а население — 16 тыс. человек. Это довольно гористый островок, по которому проложены длинные извилистые дороги. На побережье выходят живописные крутые скалы. Пляжей на острове немного, зато в изобилии встречаются глубокие зеленые долины, окаймленные узкими полями, поднимающимися на склоны гор. Эти долины часто укутаны облаками, которые гонят сюда пассаты. Треть острова разделена на 17 заповедников, созданных по инициативе ЮНЕСКО. Добраться до Ла-Гомеры можно паромом или самолетом с соседних островов. Аэропорт находится в южной части острова, у Плайя-де-Сантьяго, а порт — в столице Сан-Себастьяне. Сан-Себастьян Сан-Себастьян (население — 6200 человек) — небольшой городок на острове Ла-Гомера, где в сентябре 1492 г., чтобы запастись водой и пищей, останавливались корабли Колумба. О Колумбе здесь напоминает все. На главной площади — Пласа-де-лас-Америкас — выложена мозаика, на которой изображен маршрут экспедиции Колумба. Под большим деревом находится здание таможни. Считается, что Колумб набрал воды из здешнего колодца и отправился в Новый Свет. От площади отходит единственная мало-мальски протяженная улица, Калье-дель-Медио, также связанная с именем великого мореплавателя. Церковь Вирхен де ла Асунсьон была построена в период с 1490 по 1510 г. Она кажется настолько старой, что легко представить, как в 1492 г. в ее сумрачном нефе молился Колумб — об этом, кстати, напоминает мемориальная табличка. Чуть дальше находится скромный дом Колумба (открыто: пн—пт 10. 00—13. 00, 16. 00—18. 00, вход свободный), где мореплаватель жил во время остановки на Ла-Гомере. Местные власти отреставрировали дом, и сегодня здесь выставлена коллекция доколумбовой керамики из Латинской Америки, а также предметы, связанные с экспедицией Колумба. Север Дорога из Сан-Себастьяна круто уходит вверх, и виды становятся просто потрясающими. Самая высокая гора Ла-Гомеры, Альто-де-Гарахонай, имеющая высоту 1487 м, не слишком большая по канарским стандартам. Однако весь остров покажется вам устрашающим лабиринтом фантастических ущелий. Маленький городок Эрмингуа — самый большой на Ла-Гомере после Сан-Себастьяна. Загляните в центр народных промыслов Лос-Теларес. Отсюда открывается прекрасный вид на зеленую, плодородную долину. Отведайте местный ликер «Мистела», посмотрите, как женщины ткут одеяла и коврики на старинных станках. Дальше вы попадете в Агуло — симпатичный маленький городок, расположенный прямо на скале. Главная его достопримечательность (помимо живописного расположения) — церковь Сан-Марко, увенчанная куполом. Некогда эта церковь была мечетью. На площади перед церковью растет могучее лавровое дерево. Перед городком Лас-Росас сверните в сторону от моря и попадете в Национальный парк Гарахонай. В 1986 г. ЮНЕСКО включила этот регион в список Всемирного наследия человечества. В туристическом центре Хуэго-де-Болас (открыто: ежедневно 9. 30—16. 30) располагается небольшой этнографический музей и сад местных трав. Здесь вы сможете получить всю необходимую информацию. Дальше дорога проходит через парк, площадь которого составляет 3984 га, и ведет вас к ресторану возле Ла-Лагуна Гранде. Это уютное, гостеприимное место, пользующееся большой популярностью у туристов. Красивым видом ресторан похвастаться не может — здесь почти постоянно висит густой туман, окутывающий старые, поросшие мхом деревья. Гомера почти постоянно окутана густым туманом, нагоняемым пассатами. Благодаря высокой влажности здесь прекрасно себя чувствуют субтропические растения — лавр, кедр, можжевельник и оливы, папоротники и эпифиты (непаразитические растения, обитающие на других растениях). Юг Если вы направитесь от Сан-Себастьяна на юг, то, проехав мимо трех могучих вулканов, попадете на извилистую дорогу Дегольяда-де-Пераса. С нее открываются великолепные виды и на север, и на юг. По дороге следуйте до развилки, а затем сверните не направо, к Гарахонаю, а налево, и по очень извилистой дороге направляйтесь до Плайя-де-Сантьяго (и аэропорта). Это второй, кроме Сан-Себастьяна, приморский городок на острове. Тут есть небольшой порт и маленький галечный пляж. Но главная достопримечательность — живописные скалы, расположенные к востоку от городка. Здесь норвежский судостроитель Фред Олсен создал великолепный курорт Сад Тичина, гости которого живут на виллах в канарском стиле. Возвращаясь назад, вы проезжаете мимо аэропорта. В Игуалеро сверните налево (на запад). Небольшая дорожка ведет вас в Лас-Айяс. Остановитесь в городке Эль-Серкадо, где до сих пор изготавливают традиционную керамику уникальным способом — без гончарного круга. Здесь можно увидеть мастеров за работой, а потом приобрести результаты их труда. Цены вас удивят — они столь же круты, как и скалы Ла-Гомеры. Из Лас-Айяса направляйтесь к Аруре. В Аруре сверните налево, и вы попадете к небольшому винному подвальчику, где продаются вина с Ла-Гомеры и других Канарских островов. На Гомере насчитывается около 300 га виноградников. Виноград здесь выращивают на крутых склонах и небольших террасах. Остановитесь в самом высоком месте, где находится смотровая площадка и ресторан «Эскуэла», построенный Сезаром Манрике. Отсюда открывается великолепный вид на зеленую долину Гран-Рей. Местные жители устроили в этом глубоком плодородном ущелье множество террас и выращивают самые разнообразные фрукты и овощи. Тут же любят отдыхать европейцы, которые приезжают на Канары в поисках тишины и покоя. Там, где долина выходит к морю, находится небольшой городок Ла-Калера со множеством бутиков и ресторанчиков. В маленьком городке Балле Гран-Рей есть пляж с черным песком, несколько баров и ресторанов, а также центр дайвинга. Возвращаясь в долину, следуйте через Аруре и на Т-образном перекрестке сверните направо. Эта дорога проходит через южную часть национального парка и приведет вас в Сан-Себастьян. Островной деликатес Гуарапо — деликатес Ла-Гомеры. Для ее приготовления сок канарской пальмы уваривается на медленном огне, пока не превратится в густой, темный, напоминающий мед сироп.
La gomera weather january. La gomera whistling language. Witch camera did you use? epic edit. U jokers. Cheer up lad, i will get u an ice cream, can i have a flake in it. Da kann man schon neidisch werden, hast dich hoffentlich richtig gut erholt. La gomera weather february. Cant believe ive only just seen this, have you been back since lads? its a MUST theres got to be a dirty old 70 knocking about in there. One of the seven Canary Islands, sun-drenched Gomera is one of the less visited of this Atlantic archipelago. Offering the perfect escape, Gomera's attractions include dramatic beaches, trails through tropical mountain scenery and misty rainforest. Hike the mysterious Garajonay National Park or mountainous Cumbre de Chijere. Soak up the sun in scenic Valle Gran Rey or on Puerto de Santiago's pretty beach. Popular with the yachting crowd, Gomera is reached by air or ferry from the other Canaries.
Beautiful photography. gives a great overview of this wonderful Island. If you haven't. La gomera boy. The kid is having a great time and learning too. La gomera film online. La Gomera is the second smallest island of the Canary Islands. Cities [ edit] San Sebastian de la Gomera 1 San Sebastián de La Gomera ( East). A very civilized capital and main port – the ferries from Los Cristianos arrive here. A good base for walking as all the local buses leave (starting at 10. 30am) from the bus station to the villages of La Gomera. Columbus set sail from here. It has several nice black sand beaches and some historic buildings like the Count's Tower or the Church of La Asunción. Throughout the years it has grown over the hills and inside the valley. 2 Agulo ( North-East). Compact small town divided in two parts by Hermigua, it is surrounded by massive mountains. It has a charming town center and great views to Tenerife. On the rainy season you can get to see waterfalls from each mountain. 3 Hermigua ( North-East). The first stop of the north route departing from San Sebastián. Formerly a wealthy agricultural valley, it still has many banana and exotic fruits plantations, and due to this bucolic landscape it now has become a destination for exclusive travelers. The town is stretched out down the valley. It features the island's only natural swimming pool, several charming beaches with views to Tenerife and is a great trekking base to discover Garajonay National Park and the island's green north due to it's proximity to San Sebastián and El Cedro Forest. 4 Playa de Santiago ( South). Small tourist resort dominated by large hotel complex owned by Fred Olsen, the ferry company. Formerly a fishing port with a canning factory, it has become the island's second largest touristic area thanks to the large hotel Tecina. The island's only golf course sits here. 5 Valle Gran Rey ( South-West). Main tourist resort, thanks to its beaches. Formerly a hippie hangout retaining an alternative feel in places. It is located in the westernmost part of the island. It's named after the "Great King", who ruled for a brief period over all the kings of the island. 6 Vallehermoso ( North). A small town, it is the last stop of the northern route. Its symbol is the Cano Rock, the largest eroded volcano chimney remaining in the island. As Hermigua and Agulo, it has evolved from agricultural-based economy to a slow tourism destination linked to trekking. Roque Agando, in La Garajonay Park Understand [ edit] Undeveloped, unspoilt, beautiful island just 40 minutes by fast ferry from Tenerife. Ideal for walkers. Contrast between lush forests around the summit and in the national Park with dry vegetation on the flanks of the island. Of real interest to botanists for its variety of plant life and number of endemic species. Good climate all year round, especially in the south. La Gomera is one of two Canary Islands without direct tourist flights from mainland Europe, the other being El Hierro. Talk [ edit] Spanish is the main language. English is widely understood in Valle Gran Rey, where German is easily the second language after Spanish. Most menus are printed in three languages. Famous for El Silbo - whistling language which was used to communicate across the deep valleys. The local council are trying to revive El Silbo; it is now a compulsory (and popular) subject in schools on the island. Get in [ edit] By plane [ edit] Most people fly to Tenerife South ( TFS IATA, Reina Sofia), then get a ferry from nearby Los Cristianos. Buses 451, 111 and 343 drive from Tenerife South Airport to 2 Los Cristianos bus station. The ride costs €3. 70 EUR (April 2018). The buses stop by the roundabout close to the Los Cristianos bus station. From there you need to walk about 1. 5 km (0. 93 mi) down to the port where the ferries leave from. By boat [ edit] By ferry from Los Cristianos in Tenerife to 3 San Sebastian de la Gomera port or directly to Playa Santiago or Valle Gran Rey. Since the smaller company Garajonay Express was forced out, Fred Olsen Ferry fares have rocketed. During the boat-war, fares on both were around €25 return from Los Cristianos. Now, even an advance day return costs around €80 for the short 40-minute crossing. Although residents of the Canary Islands have a discount of 50%, many on La Gomera consider these fares to be destroying visitor numbers and their small economy. Two ferry companies are providing service: La Gomera is in the Atlantic. This means that even in moderate windy weather the waves may become pretty big. In that case the catamarans may not sail. Particularly, the small Benchi Express is vulnerable. In the event the Benchi Express cannot sail, Fred Olsen will drive you to or from Gran Val Rey by bus. But, you need to be at the harbour 30 min earlier, and you sail on Olsen's big catamaran. Get around [ edit] By bus [ edit] Public transport has improved in recent years with regular bus services (4 or 5 per day, M–Sa; fewer on Su) to the main centres ( Valle Gran Rey, Vallehermoso, Santiago) from the capital San Sebastian. Note that departures don't usually coincide with the ferry arrival times. Journey time to Valle Gran Rey is around 1 hr 45 min. These buses are popular and it isn't always possible to get on especially at the port when boats come in. Buses returning to the tourist centres late in the afternoon tend to get full of walkers and likewise the ones heading into the mountains early in the mornings. Fares are very reasonable. Drivers do not like to pick up or set down between stops for tourists even though you may see them do it for elderly locals. The public buses are a blue/turquoise colour and are run by Servicio Regular Gomera S. L. Tickets are purchased from the driver. There are many other private coaches darting about the island which will not stop for you. The timetables do change and tourist offices will have up-to-date versions. A reliable source should be the official website. By car [ edit] Reputable car hire companies include CICAR or. One of the companies that accept debit cards is Pluscar. Most companies have their office right next to the San Sebastian ferry terminal. Since the number of cars at the pier is limited (compared to e. g. TFS airport), it's probably best to book upfront. Petrol is relatively cheap - about 1/10 less than in mainland Spain. However, bear in mind that the roads are very winding indeed, so driving is slow - don't expect to go faster than 50km/h most of the time. For example, air distance is only about 22km across the island from San Sebastian to Valle Gran Rey, but the distance by road is over twice that, and it will take you an hour and a half to drive it. Many people combine walking with hitchhiking. Taxis are not prohibitively expensive especially if there are several of you sharing. See [ edit] 1 El Castillo del Mar ( at Playa de Vallehermoso). Former loading station (mostly for bananas), restored and turned into a venue by long-time resident German photographer. Has intimate atmospheric concerts, with the sound of the waves in the background 2 Los Organos cliff. Striking basalt columns, similar to the Giant's Causeway, but only visible from the sea. Boats departing from Playa Santiago and Valle Gran Rey offer weekly trips around the island to visit it. It's name is because of the rocks, shaped by water and lava as church organ tubes. 3 Mirador Cesar Manrique ( on the road between Arure and Valle Gran Rey, marked by a metal, kinetic sculpture). A restaurant and bar cut into the mountainside by the Canaries most famous artist. Stunning views into the valley through the huge windows in this strangely formal establishment. Very hard to spot this place from the road below except at night when the lit windows float eerily in the darkened mountains. The restaurant was closed in 2009, but there is still a nice well-kept garden and a beautiful view 4 Mirador de Abrante ( Mirador de Agulo). Viewpoints towards Tenerife, a bar with a glass extension hanging over cliff over Agulo. Great panoramatic view and a road through red-colored mountain Do [ edit] Note: Wildfires in the summer of 2012 burned over 3, 000 hectares on the island, including over ten per cent of Garajonay National Park. Officials estimated that it would take at least three decades for the burned areas of forest to recover. View of the façade of Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and the town of San Sebastián de la Gomera Garajonay National Park. A UNESCO World Heritage site - extensive forested area on the top of the island. It protects the largest laurel rainforest remaining on Earth, "almost as old as the island itself" — the vegetation type has stayed the same for millions of years. The forest is made up of different evergreens flourishing under the mild temperatures. Trees are irrigated by the mist which sometimes covers the top of the island, especially in winter. The trees are covered in mosses and lichens. This environment extended all around the Mediterranean Sea in the Tertiary Era, so the National Park is considered a living relic. Several species endemic to the Canary Islands live here, including the Gomeran lizard, Gomeran skink, stripeless tree frog, laurel pigeon and Bolle's pigeon. Crisscrossed with footpaths of several difficulty levels, it is known as the green heart of La Gomera. Highlights include: 1 Alto de Garajonay. The summit of the island, at 1, 487 m elevation with a stunning 360° view. Visit when the mist clears. Good views across to Mount Teide (Tenerife) and to El Hierro and La Palma 2 Laurisilva Forest ( between Las Hayas and Las Creces). Very eerie in the mist if the trees are creaking. Beautiful carpets of pink flowers in spring. For even more "old forest" experience, an easy extension of the hike is possible - go from Raso de la Bruma (TF-713 road parking) to Las Hayas and back. 3 La Laguna Grande. A small park with playgrounds and a few footpaths towards a viewpoint of Alto de Garajonay. Good place for a short hike with kids, with a restaurant at the parking spot. 4 El Cedro Forest. Despite the name, these are not cedar woods (the name refers to a long gone lone cedar tree). One possible way is starting on top and going to El Cedro (or even to Hermigua) - the landscape changes from small, mostly dry vegetation to a dense forest with tall trees, and beautifully calm. There are many other walking routes around the forest. Don't miss the water tunnel through the mountain (take a torch and mind your head! And boots as the water can be six inches deep or more). Access to El Cedro is possible also by car, via a road made from loose flat stones - fun auditory experience, as car moves the stones slightly. On the path between El Cedro and Hermigua, there's a 5 waterfall - the only one in La Gomera that has water all year long. 5 La Fortaleza. Near Pavón, an outcrop of rock looking like a fort, or a bit like table mountain. Similar but smaller mountain is nearby Alajeró, with a small church at the top. 6 El Magro and El Sombrero ( The lion). Hike to two rocks resembling a lion and a sombrero. 6 Los Roques. Five or six volcanic plugs at the center of the island, e. Roque de Agando 7 Benchijigua. The valley to the south of Los Roques. Amazing changes of vegetation as you drop into the valley. Valle Gran Rey - Stunning terraces in the upper valley. Lower valley still showing some influence (in places) of the time when this was a hippie hangout, but creature comforts widely available. In the upper part of the valley, there are several good paths up in the mountains. Walking [ edit] Most visitors come for the top class walking. There are many paths all over the island, from gentle strolls through the rainforest to all day treks. Signage has improved dramatically over recent years, making self-guided walks much simpler. Normal precautions regarding walking on your own apply on La Gomera, too. Always make sure that somebody knows where you are headed and when you can be expected to return. Pack rain and windproof warm clothing in your daypack even it's nice and sunny when you leave. Also, don't forget to take a cellphone and a torch with you, drinking water and something to eat. However, there are also many shorter walks (such as up one side of Valle Gran Rey and down the other) that need no more than sandals. Walking in heavy rain might be dangerous (as well as unpleasant) due to rock falls and landslides. Organized [ edit] Several firms offer guided walks, which can be useful if you don't have transport or want to do a point to point walk. One of these companies is Timah. They offer guided walks at around €30 each (including the transportation to the starting point of the walk as well as the trip back) with English and German speaking guides. Another company offering walks is Viajes Temocoda. Temocoda's walks are a little bit more expensive but lunch is included in the price. Visit the tourist office in Valle Gran Rey (Calle Lepanto, s/n. La Playa) or the various travel agencies in Valle Gran Rey for information about other providers of walks. Agencies can usually make the booking for you, but at least Timah has an office in Valle Gran Rey (La Puntilla) and you can book your walk there as well. Guided walks can be recommended not only because they include transportation and free you from the infrequent bus service, but the guides will tell you all sorts of interesting tidbits about the island. Self-guided [ edit] A good map will come handy. Recommended ones are by DWG, Kompass, and Freydag & Berndt. Each shows slightly different information, so consider buying two different ones. Maps and guidebooks are readily available in San Sebastian and Valle Gran Rey. Electronic sources include: The OpenStreetMap Project, which many mobile Apps like OsmAnd,, etc. use, provides fairly detailed/complete maps of the island, including hiking trails. wikiloc with hundreds of possible trails Several books offer detailed descriptions of available routes such as The Landscapes of Southern Tenerife and La Gomera by Sunflower Books and Walk! La Gomera by DWG. Mountain biking [ edit] La Gomera is a good biking destination as it offers mountainous paved roads as well as single trails and dirt roads for the mountain bikers. In Valle Gran Rey there are three mountain bike tour operators and bike rentals available in the villages of La Playa, La Puntilla and Vueltas. Be careful when riding down as the roads are steep and have tight bends. There are also two tunnels when coming down to Valle Gran Rey. The second and longer one can be circumvented by using the old road instead which goes by the mountainside. It starts on the right hand side of the tunnel entrance. However, extreme care is required as the railings on the old road are not in good condition (or missing altogether in places) and there are also big rocks and other debris on the road. When you drive in the tunnels make sure you have a headlight and a backlight (or at least a red reflector) so that cars can see you well ahead. Never ride without a well-fitting helmet. Relaxing [ edit] The slow pace of life is contagious, the perfect antidote to stress. If you lack transport to Garojonay, walking in Valle Gran Rey (playa Del Ingles to bevond Vueltas) is easy and relaxing. Beaches [ edit] There are beaches at the end of most valleys, of varying quality. Valle Gran Rey has safe sandy beaches at Vueltas and El Charco (literally 'The Puddle'). Swimming can be challenging and even dangerous on the open beaches around the island. Playa la Caleta, near Hermigua, has a bar/restaurant on the beach. There is a semi-nude beach (clothing is optional) called Playa del Ingles behind La Playa in Valle Gran Rey. However, it's rocky and very dangerous for swimming especially when the sea is rough. There is a warning sign on the beach saying that the latest (fatal? ) accident happened in the end of 2005, so keep this in mind if you think about taking a dip there. San Sebastian has two good beaches, Playa Santiago (as the name suggests) also has a beach. There is a public pool at Playa de Vallehermoso (near El Castillo) and there is a swimming tank-thing by the remains of the embarcadero in Hermigua. If you don't mind the long, steep, winding drive, there is a lovely little beach at Alojera. Flora [ edit] Fascinating sub-tropical vegetation abounds with the unique Laurisilva rainforest in the national park, Garajonay, which is situated on the highest part of La Gomera. Laurisilva has a very special property in that it makes clouds into rain: Due to the pressing upwards of the trade winds, there are often clouds on the top of La Gomera; but the leaves of the trees of Laurisilva have pores that catch the small drops from the clouds. The surplus water absorbed is secreted so that the trees are raining, which increases precipitation from 50-100%. Of the remaining Laurisilva is 50% growing on La Gomera, which makes Garajonay unique from a nature conservation point of view. Laurisilva has in earlier periods covered large areas surrounding the Middle Sea, but disappeared due to climate changes. The National Visitor Centre at Juego de Bolas, above Las Rosas, has a selection of native and endemic plants, as well as various artesanal artifacts. There are plenty fine walking paths in Garajonay and the surrounding landscape. There is also a botanic garden of sorts near Vallehermoso. This could be excellent if better maintained, but has the air of somewhere abandoned. Photography [ edit] La Gomera is so beautiful that photo opportunities are everywhere. Most main roads have clearly signed viewpoints, including parking for a short stop. Diving [ edit] There are a couple of diving schools on La Gomera, one in Valle Gran Rey and one in Playa Santiago. Whale watching [ edit] Whale watching boat trips run from Valle Gran Rey with Excursiones Tina or Oceano Gomera. Eat [ edit] Watercress soup with gofio (maize flour) Palm honey (Miel de Palma), palm tree syrup is boiled up to produce this delicious liquid that features in many Gomeran dishes, especially deserts. Mojo sauce comes in red or green - red is for meat and can be quite spicy, green for fish, based on garlic and coriander. Mojo in restaurants is usually home-made and quite variable, but always interesting. No burger chain uniformity here and all the better for it! Papas arrugadas (literally wrinkly potatoes). Exquisite if done well with small, black potatoes, but price rises often mean that now cheaper potatoes are used. Eat with red or green mojo. Restaurants: 1 El Silbo, Carretera General 102, 38820 Hermigua, ☏ +34 922 88 03 04. Restaurant with typical Canarians meals. It provides Silbo Gomero whistling demonstrations. It also has a bar. ( updated Jun 2018) 2 La Vista, El Cedro, CV-22 ( on the border of Garajonay National Park, off GM-1), ☏ +34 922 88 09 49, +34 922 88 08 04. 09:00–20:00. Quite and friendly mountain restaurant, surrounded by the Laurisilva forest. Has won prize of the best watercress soup of La Gomera. ( updated Jun 2018) Drink [ edit] Excellent freshly prepared fruit juices and milkshakes are widely available. If you are feeling brave, try parra, the local firewater (similar to Italian grappa) or a Gomeron, which is parra mixed with palm honey. Local wine has recently been awarded DOC status. Try Garajonay white wine. Great coffee, but remember that many locals take it with condensed milk (leche condensada). Try a 'leche y leche' - an expresso with a squirt of condensed milk and a splash of hot milk - much better than it sounds! Sleep [ edit] Most tourists head for Valle Gran Rey, with its stunning terraces and selection of bars and restaurants. These give a good balance between facilities and getting away from the stresses of western life. But the upper parts of this valley and all the beautiful rest of La Gomera remain unspoilt. There is also a push for more rural tourism, if you want to get completely away from things. However, it's worth remembering that the higher villages can be much cooler than the coast. Accommodation in San Sebastian includes Villa Gomera (rooms and apartments available), Quintera apartments close to the seafront and the upmarket La Gomera Parador perched on the cliff-edge overlooking the harbour. Playa Santiago has the Jardin Tecina complex, run by Fred Olsen, expensive, but worth a visit to see the impressive flora and the "James Bond" lift down to the beach. While Valle Gran Rey has the Hotel Gran Rey on the seafront and the Hotel Playa Calera in La Playa. The three villages, of which Valle Gran Rey is comprised, offer many private rooms. Walk around! 1 Los Telares ( Apartments and Rural Houses), Carretera General 10, 38820 Hermigua, ☏ +34 922 88 07 81, ✉. Check-in: 13:00, check-out: 12:00. These Canarian-style apartments allow you to enjoy a tranquil break, relaxing by the swimming pool, and enjoying the fresh air. €42. 2 Jardín La Punta, Carretera General, 38820 Hermigua ( north end of Hermigua, toward Agulo). Hotel-apartments on top of Mirador de La Punta, just above the Atlantic Ocean. All 16 rooms features an excellent view on La Punta de Hermigua and la Montaña del Hueco, as well as Teide mountain on clear weather. Outdoor swimming-pool. ( updated Jun 2018) The official web of the Canary Islands: La Gomera Island has a nice system for locating hotels and offers in La Gomera. Airbnb and similar Go next [ edit] This region travel guide to La Gomera is a usable article. It gives a good overview of the region, its sights, and how to get in, as well as links to the main destinations, whose articles are similarly well developed. An adventurous person could use this article, but please feel free to improve it by editing the page.

Why go to La Gomera Serene, low-key and dramatically beautiful, La Gomera is a dream destination for travellers looking for a holiday with a difference. This is a place where hikes take in all sorts of exotic landscapes and where simple pleasures like cheese and wine feel all the more special. Formed from the remains of a volcano, the second smallest of the Canary Islands is an enigmatic place blessed with stunning natural beauty. It extends from the dark, dense forest at its heart to soaring cliffs, volcanic-carved rock formations and deserted beaches glistening with black pebbles. With some 350 hiking trails, the best way to explore this natural wonderland is on foot. Some of the most spectacular walks lie within the Garajonay National Park, the lush laurel forest at the centre of the island that is nearly always shrouded in cloud. Travel Information Average flight time (from London) 8 hrs 15 mins.
La gomera hiking. Los Roques Viewpoint Impressive views of nature This icon of La Gomera consists of five blocks of rocked formed from magma that never reached the surface. They guard the entrance to the Garajonay National Park and their viewpoints offer superb views. Agulo La Gomera's jewel Just over half an hour's drive from the capital this little village is known as the “jewel of La Gomera”. Its old core, one of the best preserved on the island, sits up on a natural platform giving you expansive views of the ocean and of Teide volcano on next-door Tenerife island. Los Órganos Natural Monument A musical cliff This fascinating natural monument on the north coast of the Vallehermoso municipality is a volcanic sea cliff made up of vertical lava pipes that look like a giant church organ. A spectacular geological formation that has to be seen by boat trip. Valle Gran Rey The green of a landscape full of palms The mouth of this deep, verdant valley, one of La Gomera's main tourist destinations, has black sand beaches and vivid blue water and the valley is full of palm trees and little white houses.
La gomera island weather. La gomera canary. La gomera giant lizard.